Quality, availability, and efficiency are watchwords that
our technical support a prized division of our establishment. Our technical support team is always
standby 24/7/367 to receive and address all complaints and queries. We place value on quick
complete resolution, and pedantic follow-up of every client’s request irrespective of complexity,
and effort required.
With a concrete and elaborate system of procedures designed to ensure smooth resolution of client’s requests, we treat each request with utmost care, seeing to it that escalation of demanding requests from a lower cadre of technical support to a higher cadre proceed seamlessly and in time. Clients are always kept abreast of the progress, status and pending procedures to be done, of each request, as at when due.
To ensure a high standard of proficiency among support staff, we have stringent regulations and checks in place, to make certain that only the best staff climb to the highest echelon. Customer support staff are routinely evaluated on their ability to make good on experience gained, exhibit complete knowledge of established protocols, and to thoughtfully establish sound communication with clients in a number of languages. This is on the backdrop of undertaking a rigorous test to validate the level of technical proficiency by each technical support team member.
Our technical support team can be reached through an Online Helpdesk System or Live Chat.
The Technical support team consists of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 engineers:
Level 1 Support
Members of this team are the first responders to commonly asked questions and complaints. These are the Infotech Intelligence technicians, and they are involved in promptly providing answers using general knowledge and easily accessible information documented in our detailed knowledgebase section.
Level 2 Support
New bugs and less common complications are among the plethora of problems addressed by this well-trained support team. Level 2 Engineers are trained to evaluate each problem received according to established problem-solving procedures, define each problem received and if possible resolve the technical issue.
Level 3 Support
We informally call the technical specialists of this support team, the Elite Tech Support Ninjas. Team members have the highest level of experience and are extremely dedicated to handling the most complex of technical issues reported by customers. Each problem that proves difficult to fix by the Level 2 Support Team is received, the unique description of the problem profiled by the Level 2 Support Team is also evaluated, and then a well-organized process is initiated to eliminate the causative agents of the problem.
Infotech Intelligence provides technical support to customers by following channels:
The first port-of-call for clients when laying a complaint is through our Query System. Through this system, clients are encouraged to create requests or tickets using a web form with adequate tabs and a bogus character limit. Alternatively, clients can create requests or tickets by contacting us. However, we strongly recommend that requests be created using our elaborate web form, to ease compilation, escalation, and resolution of complaints.
The Query System indexes the time at which a ticket is created, and forwards the ticket wholly to the appropriate support staff. If the ticket is not swiftly resolved, it will be sent to a higher-level support staff. The system accords the following properties when forwarding an unresolved request from a lower-level support staff to a higher-level support staff; time of ticket creation, priority level, and time elapsed following receipt of the ticket. This empowers our clients with the ability to track precisely the history of all tickets created and the extent of resolution of each ticket by the technical support team.
This channel has the advantage of bridging the subtle gap between our clients and support staff, by permitting instantaneous communication between both parties. However, this channel is best exploited as the preferred channel to initiate a follow-up discussion after a request has been created through the Online Helpdesk System.
Giving the best of both worlds of Live chat, Skype allows for instantaneous chat messages and remote calling to take place between clients and our technical support staff. Our Skype ID is Infotech Intelligence.support.
Defining our technical support priorities
Infotech Intelligence Technical Support strives to respond to all customer inquiries and requests in a timely manner. When submitting a trouble ticket, you will need to choose a priority level to it, based on the following table, so we have an understanding of the impact the problem is having on your business. The priority of the ticket will determine our maximum response time. Most tickets, even low priority tickets, will be completed in 24 hours or less.:
Critical Priority
Guaranteed response time: 1 hour
- When there are critical production issues that could have weighty effects on the production systems of a client.
- When the production systems of a customer are inoperative or out of order.
- When there is loss of production data, and there is no data restore procedure in place.
Urgent Priority
Guaranteed response time: 2 hours
- When there is disruption in the production system of a client, but there is continued functioning at a capacity to maintain necessary business-level operations and productiveness.
- When there is an emergency resulting from a serious security breach.
Normal Priority
Guaranteed response time: 8 hours
- When there is a low- or medium-flagged complication which leads to an incomplete non-critical loss in functionality.
- When there are issues that are trivial in nature, causing diminutive loss or zero loss of functionality.
- When there are issues that have little or no impact on a client’s operations.
- When there are uncomplicated issues that can be fixed with an easy kludge, or can be ignored without loss of vital functionality.
Low Priority
Guaranteed response time: 24 hours
- Questions and contributions centering on general use.
- User-generated recommendations of improvements in service delivery to be implemented at a later time.
- Other requests of various forms that have zero impression on operation, functionality, and value of the production system of a client.
While we ascribe unrivalled urgency to all requests received and ensure quick resolution, we encourage objectivity when prioritizing your request to enable a smooth flow of technical support delivery. Tickets deemed to have contrasting priority levels, will be reassigned with a different more appropriate priority level, too safeguard the integrity of our support service.